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WUJS Pessach Appeal

The World Union of Jewish Students is hosting its annual appeal for donations in the weeks during and after the Jewish holiday of Passover. WUJS, which recently moved into small office space in Jerusalem, is keen to expand its role in bringing more young Jewish professionals to Israel and connect Jews from around the world with one another. For this WUJS is asking for donations towards it core funds and towards specific programs. Each donation brings great value for money with WUJS running a tight, volunteer-based staff with strict expenses policies and low overheads.

Over the past year WUJS has done much to enhance its profile and reach out to more Jewish students, catching them at the crucial period in their lives, often between a Jewish-rich College existence and married life. It is precisely at this point that Jewish students, in the rush to professional life often leave behind the strong community bonds of home towns, fraternities and friendship groups. By bringing them a new vision of what it means to be Jewish and Zionist in the modern world, WUJS is keeping these future leaders within the framework of organized Jewish life and is enhancing their ability to contribute to the future of the tribe.

WUJS has now operated two Young Political Leaders Trips and is looking for funding for another. The YPLT brings non-Jewish rising stars from the international political world and brings them on a 10 day fact finding mission to Israel. Some of the participants are ignorant of Israel before joining the trip, some have even made misinformed statements in their pasts. The trip educates them, shares the Jewish narrative and then allows them time to discuss and debate among one another as to what they are seeing and how they are feeling. WUJS has received tremendous feedback since the trips and is excited to hear of funding opportunities so that the program may continue. – Hope for Hanukkah, the dual program with the European Union for Jewish Students showed the best of student activism and small time philanthropy. The collections of money and toys which went to residents of the south of Israel showed off what students can do when their efforts are united. The WUJS run Students2Students website is still looking for a donor to back its small overheads and with any hope this project will soon be up and running and looking to help those less fortunate. – WUJS is welcome to all donations, small and large, by cheque or by bank transfer. Our work is based on a small budget and we hope that with an increase in funds we can connect with more young Jews around the world. If you would like to be in touch about funding a project, or donating to our core funds, then please email .


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