This morning our Chairperson, Yosef, was invited to address the quarterly meeting of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations alongside leading members of the British and French Jewish communities as well as representatives of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations is an American non-profit organization that addresses issues of critical concern to the Jewish community. It comprises 52 national Jewish organizations. It was founded to develop a consensus voice among Jewish organizations in dealings with the executive branch of the US government.

Yosef addressed the various challenges facing Jewish students world wide. He particularly highlighted the BDS movement, the rise of the far right in Europe and a worrying increase in Holocaust denial literature appearing on campuses. Yosef also spoke of the many successes that we have had in the WUJS/Jewish student union movement and encouraged the Conference to support the creation of a democratic Jewish student union in the United States.