WUJS has come in for praise from Serbian writer Igor Ujhazi following our YPLT delegation in September 2012. The delegation included two rising politicians from the Democratic Party of Serbia who have since gone on to speak about their time in the region.
“Historical context that I actually had experienced in Israel, and then the daily political one, enabled me to better understand the relationships that exist in the Middle East. I also feel that the complexities of the political and economic relations in Israel are much closer to me. In my personal opinion, if we compared situations in Israel and Serbia between different social groups, one can find strong similarities. Some methods of economic and social development that I recognized during the visit can definitely be applied in Serbia. I believe that the modern approach that Israelis have, could bring new energy, ideas, and finally the necessary dialogue and progress to the country in which I live in.”
The full article can be found on Global Jewish Voice.