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Interview with Chanan Reitblat, Jewish Student who took down his anti-Israel abuser

Earlier this year at St Andrews university in Scotland, American Jewish student Chanan Reitblat suffered an attack on his Jewish identity when student Paul Donnachie desecrated his Israeli flag. In a landmark ruling, a Scottish judge found Mr. Donnichie guilty of a racially aggrevated offence for his desecration, done whilst verbally abusing Chanan. Chanan flew back from New York to give evidence, and ultimately Mr Donnichie was found guilty, in a case which re-affirms the right of Jewish students to express their Jewish identity through Zionism.

The case has gained widespread media coverage in the United Kingdom and beyond, and I sat down with Chanan, to find out the effect this experience has had on him, and what he hopes the long-term effects will be.


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