Advocacy & Leadership : Arab World
The Emirates Innovation program is an historic project created and launched by the World Union of Jewish Students. Opening the door to other structures, the international delegation of student leaders selected by WUJS, visited the United Arab Emirates. Over a full week, the cohort met with local leaders and politicians, youth, media and press, as well as the local Jewish community and Israeli representatives.
Throughout the program, the group learned about the Arab world systems and development, advocacy and engagement, and learned to grasp the culture and advocacy opportunities of the region. The World Union of Jewish Students is proud to engage in the development of coexistence, normalization and peace of the region.
Student activists and leaders are the present and future of Jewish leadership. Through their learning, experience and exchanges shaped by the program, we are confident youth will continue to promote peace and coexistence between Israel and the Arab World, as well as between the Jewish and Muslim people, for todays and futures generations
For the first editions, participants will be selected directly by the World Union of Jewish Students. For any further information, please contact us at info@wujs.org.il .